For the past few decade's scientists have warned us about global warming, and the consumer and businesses ignored them. However, the average consumer is now concerned about global warming and the effect it has on the environment. With the increase in climate change the concern about the food supply, weather, and overall effect it has on living conditions is growing. Sustainability in business means it focus on reducing its carbon footprint in the environment and the strategy used to accomplish it. The environment and business development and growth has become intertwined.
Whether it is a small business or a large corporation; marketing its product and/or service has become competitive and environmental sustainability must be included in the business model internally and externally. Internally means what the business is doing to keep its competitive edge and be environmentally conscious. Externally means measuring its carbon footprint by choosing what products are purchased and used. But also, the definition of community has changed. The internet changed it. Businesses have the ability to market its product or service worldwide. And as the consumer becomes savvier and knowledgeable in what causes global warming, and with the internet providing information on businesses, corporations, and countries; it is important CEO's and business owners understand the effects of global warming and how it will affect their business.
Consumers want a business to conform and work to reduce its carbon footprint and yet maintain product and service quality. They want to know if animals were used in testing a product. Or if food is grown locally and how it is grown. It is important for them to know If the bag used for a product, is biodegradable. Or if there are biodegradable products they can use for cleaning. They are increasingly becoming concerned about where their products are coming from and the carbon footprint of the country it is imported from.
When developing plans on addressing environmental sustainability in a business model it is good to ask questions like: what strategies can be developed and implemented to support the reduction of carbon footprints in a product or service? And how will it be communicated to the consumer? At the end of the day, environmental sustainability is a great marketing tool.